Culture is not just about pom poms and parties

Culture is not just about pom poms and parties We need to build a winning culture. It’s important to have an experimentation culture. We’re looking to build a culture of collaboration. Culture culture culture. Culture is a term that is tossed around loosely these days. In some scenarios it’s talked about more than it actually […]
Where to go from Google Optimize

In short, after 5 years of settling on Google Optimize as its next “experiment” with an A/B testing platform, it appears Google is shedding its Google Optimize product from its wide array of offerings. For those Google Optimize users, what’s next? As a CRO agency with deep experience with testing and various A/B testing platforms, […]
How data and insights can impact organizational health

In short, as people come and go, hard-earned insights often go with them. This is preventable, but a culture that fosters information sharing with focus on data and insights should be in place before people head out the door. The frameworks that facilitate this type of knowledge sharing can also have more profound impacts on […]
10 ways to cement an experimentation culture across a company

In short: If you’re looking to establish a culture of experimentation – a prevailing “we can always improve” mindset – that both fuels cross-team collaboration and continuously improves the bottom line, it’s important to think well beyond the centralized experimentation team. Building a strong core group that facilitates experiments – often called a Lab or […]
Experimentation is a foundational building block to building a data-driven culture

In short: Data cultures can be realized with some combination of data and people. But through the process of creative ideation, the capability of experimentation can serve as an important building block to proliferating data cultures. At LiftCentro, we help brands scale out cultures that regularly turn to data to inform decision making. Because it’s […]
Organizational optimization by way of experimentation

In Short: Starting with a strong foundation of CRO, or digital optimization, is a foundational building block to OO (organizational optimization). Experimentation caters to heightened awareness of goal focus and alignment and the development of a “we can do better” mindset. These are key ingredients to helping organizations reach new levels of success. When one […]