10 ways to cement an experimentation culture across a company

In short: If you’re looking to establish a culture of experimentation – a prevailing “we can always improve” mindset – that both fuels cross-team collaboration and continuously improves the bottom line, it’s important to think well beyond the centralized experimentation team. Building a strong core group that facilitates experiments – often called a Lab or […]
How to get the most juice out of your data

In short: Data on its own has limited value. It’s what an organization does with the data that gives it significant value. Data is the raw material in a manufacturing process that outputs value. To fully realize data’s full potential, it’s important to understand this end-to-end process. Action is, in a nutshell, what allows […]
Experimentation is a foundational building block to building a data-driven culture

In short: Data cultures can be realized with some combination of data and people. But through the process of creative ideation, the capability of experimentation can serve as an important building block to proliferating data cultures. At LiftCentro, we help brands scale out cultures that regularly turn to data to inform decision making. Because it’s […]